1919 3-5 The American Legion was established in Paris, France by a thousand officers and men, delegates from all the units of the American Expeditionary Forces (A. E. F.) to an organization caucus meeting, which adopted a tentative constitution.
1919 9-12 ET Cavallini home soon from the Army.
1920 2-6 Star reports Ed Cavallini has finally organized a St. Helena post. The charter soon to be granted was eventually dated 2-10-1920. Every man who served in the army at home or abroad is eligible to join. See Arthur Forni or Ed
1920 2-12 Interested service men met in city hall to discuss organization. 15 charter members and 25 applications. All should attend the next meeting Feb 20.
1920 2-20 Post 199 met in the town hall to elect officers. There were 40 members and the charter was on its way. (see list)
1920 5-7 Post 199 now has 88 members. Their recent dance netted $275, used to improve their meeting hall. They will take charge of the Memorial Day observance
1920 7-5 Legion celebration at Napa
1920 7-18 1st Annual Legion picnic at White Sulphur Springs. The American Legion picnic at the White Sulphur Springs on Sunday, July l8th, was the biggest event of its kind ever held in St. Helena or vicinity. Dancing, swimming, games, races, etc., comprised the day’s program. All conceded that St. Helena Post handled the picnic in an excellent manner and all were much impressed by the hospitality shown by the local war vets.
1920 11-11 1st Legion Armistice Day Commemoration one year after it was signed. Veterans Home, GAR (200+band), Spanish-American War vets, Sanitarium Band, children, fraternal, Red Cross, Boy Scouts, fire dept all march on Main St. Vaudeville show, NSGW dance
1921 3-18 Star reports ladies will organize a unit of the Woman’s Auxiliary in a meeting at Legion Hall attended by 10 ladies. Augustina Fosetti vote temp president, Mrs Lawrence Nicolini vice pres. Full officers to be voted on April 4.
1921 7-15 2nd Annual Post met at a hall on Main Street owned by Thomas Swortfiguer.
1923 5-4 American Legion Minstrels give a show at the Liberty Theater. Participants; Leonard Lack, J Maggetti, Dr Harold Peck, Louis A Rossi, E.T. Cavallini, Roy L Adams, W B Fleming, Gabe Iovino, W H Cornell, J. L Rossini, Ed Paulson, Louis Cavallini, Steve Jackse.
1923 10-19 Post celebrates Columbus Day. Talk given on classes for new citizens taught by Katherine Dowdell. Editorial Legion national convention held in San Francisco, praises new citizenship classes, helps wounded and sick soldiers. The Auxiliary is also having their convention.
1924 8-8 Post raffles off a Studebaker to raise money for the Memorial Hall Fund.
1926 7-5 Independence Day in Lyman Park celebrates 150 anniversary of 1776 in the evening, led by SH Concert Band, Rev Baxter of Grace Epis and W.C. Subke of Presbyterians, Mayor Harry Chinn, Native Sons
1929 4-4 Post negotiated the purchase of the 1880 Adventist Church building on Madrona & Oak for use of the post and auxiliary.
1929 5-10 Post sets dedication date of hall for June 5. Dedicated to the departed war veterans of this vicinity.
1930 2-21 Star reports Post members planted new landscaping around the hall with a lily pond and rockery. Citizens donated furnishings and décor for inside
1932 11-11 County-wide Armistice Day celebration organized by Post 199 with parade on Main St ending at SP Depot. USS San Francisco (made by 199 with Mare Island)
1936 11-11 Auxiliary organizes a program to observe the 18th anniversary of armistice at elementary school auditorium (which was new). High school band, opening with taps, Mary Griffith-chaplain-
1938 Memorial Day services were held. The post honor guard fired a salute at the grave of Bernard Korte in Holy Cross Cemetery, followed by the usual ceremonies at St. Helena Cemetery. Korte grew up on Ehlers Lane and died in World War I.
1938 Memorial Day services were held. The post honor guard fired a salute at the grave of Bernard Korte in Holy Cross Cemetery, followed by the usual ceremonies at St. Helena Cemetery. Korte grew up on Ehlers Lane and died in World War I.