American Legion Post 199
St. Helena
American Legion Post 199 located in Saint Helena is a thriving Post with over 115 members and an active Auxiliary Unit. The three primary purposes of Post 199 are to provide social engagements, volunteerism, and donations back to Veteran’s Organizations and the community. Post 199 hosts monthly dinners available to all members and their families. Additionally, Post 199 provides a community wide Memorial Day Ceremony with a lunch. The Post focuses their volunteerism and donations to the Yountville Veteran’s Home along with financial support to college scholarships, youth sports, police, and the fire department. Members of Post 199 are proud to have served their country. The friendly Post members welcome new veteran’s to join us on the second Wednesday of the month with social hour starting at 6 PM and dinner to follow at 7 PM.
Affordable Hall For Rent
The Post Hall is located at 1291 Madrona Ave on the corner of Oak Avenue. Post 199, in 1929, purchased the building from Seventh Day Adventist Church. The building dates to 1880. Post 199 continues to improve the hall; moreover, providing a reasonable rental opportunity to the community.
Right in the middle of the Napa Valley consider renting our Hall for your social events such as wedding receptions, birthday parties, baptism parties.
We can accommodate up to 100. Our rental fee includes use of our tables and chairs and a fully equipped kitchen.
For information, please contact Rick Crebs by email at rickcrebs25@gmail or give him a call (707) 580-0418.
Our Monthly Meetings
Please join us at our monthly meeting.
We meet the second Wednesday of every month.
Social hour 1800 hrs
Dinner 1900 hrs
Hope to see you there.
American Legion Post 199
1291 Madrona Ave,
St Helena, CA
The Post Auxiliary will host the dinner this month. Lawler’s ravioli, salad, bread, butter and dessert. Vice Commander Rick Crebs has the gavel as I will be in Antartica. Thank you Mr Vice and ladies of the Auxiliary for holding the fort. Please email if you plan to attend.
I’m saddened to report the passing of a fine Marine fighter pilot.
Don Fraser flew west last month. Our thoughts and prayers are with Dianne and family.
The Post capital improvements are near completion. The bench out front was restored per Sergeant at Arms Rodney Green’s request along with a beautifully sculpted octagonal bench around the redwood tree. With the addition of string lighting to go the back lot will be primed for a nice Spring or Summer cook out. Mr Vice wants steaks…We upgraded the electrical sub panel, plumbing to the bar (have to keep the bartender happy), had non skid added to the stairs, and trimmed the trees away from the building.
I’m very happy to report Jack Oliver has stepped up to lead the Post’s Boys and Girls State program. Many thanks to him along with Nick and Marilyn Coy for their 22 years of service. No Jack, I’m not throwing out a challenge:)
There will be no Board meeting in February and no Auxiliary meeting either as they’ll be busy with the dinner.
The Post sent a $2500 donation to the Veterans affected by the fires in Southern California as we did with the Maui Veterans. We’re sponsoring the SHLL Eagles team and will see the Manager, coaches, and players at the March dinner.
Keep Fras in your thoughts… Semper Fidelis Marine.